What is holistic massage about?

Many clients wonder what the term "holistic" massage means. A good explanation is as follows:

The word holistic means 'whole' (it has Greek roots for those interested in the Etymology!). So this form of massage deals with you as a 'whole'. Like other therapies, it is not just looking to treat the symptoms, but to establish the cause, whether it be internal or external. The aim is to rebalance the body so it achieves homeostasis or balance. The training for the therapist is quite extensive, as it not only covers massage, but also anatomy and physiology, nutrition and general health. The therapist's consultation form will include questions regarding lifestyle, medical history, exercise and diet to form a "holistic" picture of the client.

Usually holistic massage techniques are performed with light to medium pressure and the pace of the massage is slower. Unlike sports massage techniques which generally start off with light to medium pressure and then use deep tissue massage techniques to get to the root of the muscular problem. A sports massage therapist may move you into many different positions to achieve this - thereby making the massage more results focussed and less about treating mind, body and soul. That's not to say your tight muscles won't get ironed out in a holistic massage - however, the aim and intention of holistic massage is to treat the mind, body, heart and soul.

Don't get put off and think the therapist will be wearing tie-dyed clothing, smell of patchouli, burn incense and play whale music. [I do none of that by the way]. Holistic massage will treat "all of you" without you making any conscious effort.

I found the following article in Positive Health Magazine, which not only explains very well what holistic massage is about but also how you can practise it at home for yourself.


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