How to Massage for a great deep tissue massage
How to massage when a person wants a deep tissue massage
1. Don't kill them: One of the most common mistakes i see from massage therapists when they are asked to give a deep tissue massage is that they think they have to go as hard as they can for the person and lietrally crush them. They tend to think that if the person is tensing up under their pressure and whincing in pain then they are doing a good job. The thing is, 99% percent of people who want a deep tissue massage are only asking this because they don't want a pathetic 'skin polish' light massage which is so commonly given at spas and beauty centers. The person doesnt want to be killed and feel like they have been beaten from head to toe, they just want to feel that they have had a massage that has got into the areas of tension and relased those areas. Therefore, use your forearms and elbows to work the areas but to the level which the person feels that 'happy pain' but no more.
2. Don't Kill Yourself: This is another very common mistake by massage therapists which can leave a therapist injured. Only put as much pressure as you can and no more. If your client is asking for more pressure but you physically cant do it then say sorry but that is as hard as you can do. Do not kill yourself by trying to please your client as put more pressure than you are capable of, you will only get hurt.
3.Lower the Table: If your table is too high it will make it very difficult to put pressure into your massage. Adjust your table lower and that way you will be able to exert more pressure without straining yourself. This does not only refer to deep tissue massages but all of your massages. If your table is too high(which again is a common mistake made by many therapists) it will be difficult on your shoulders and lead to injuries very quickly. Lower your table and use good posture by bending at the hips not rounding your lower back (which leads to you having lower back problems very quickly), and use your body weight to aplly the pressure not muscular effort(as i have mentioned many times before).
Don't use too much oil/cream: If you use too much oil or cream it will make the person too slippery and this will make it more difficult to apply good controlled pressure . Use less oil or cream and you will be able to apply more pressure safely and controlled.
Use your big parts of your body not the small ones: Here is another very common mistake by massage therapists when doing not only deep tissue massages but also relaxation massages. When i am doing massages, whether its a deep tissue, sports or relaxation massage i use my thumbs very little. The thumbs do not have the strength to do a lot of massage for hours without suffering and getting strained and/or inflamed. You probably already know of massage therapists who have problems with their thumbs hurting. Dont rely on your thumbs to do a lot of pressure work for you or you will find that you too will have problems once you start doing lots of massages. You need to start using your forearms, elbows and perhaps even soft fists to give a person a great massage. This is not only better for you but feels a hundred times better for your clients. This is another very common mistake by massage therapists which can leave a therapist injured. Only put as much pressure as you can and no more. If your client is asking for more pressure but you physically cant do it then say sorry but that is as hard as you can do. Do not kill yourself by trying to please your client as put more pressure than you are capable of, you will only get hurt.
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