Are you sitting comfortably?

Nearly everyone is familiar with the word "ergonomics" and most people will swear blind that their desk is set up correctly and they do their best to sit with good posture ........ but is this really true?

Your desk set-up may well be an ergonomic paradise but if you sit at your desk for long periods of time without getting up your muscles start to tense up. Throw into the mix deadlines, stress and no lunchbreak and very soon your head is doing a brilliant imitation of a tortoise and your shoulders have become earrings.

Ergonomics are indeed important but only part of the solution. The most important thing to remember is to take regular breaks. Get up and walk around at least every half hour. Ask yourself as often as you can "are my shoulders relaxed" and "is my head floating on top of my spine" ?

It's said that it takes between 21 and 30 days for behaviourial changes to become a habit. Good posture has such far reaching physical and mental effects that a little hard work now will pay out big rewards.

Read this article about 8 Reasons To Have Good Posture - you'll be surprised to learn how posture affects your breathing, digestion, mood and even your voice.

If you are aware that you have long standing areas of muscular tension then regular massage is a great way to address the problem, in tandem with postural correction and stretching exercises.


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