Great packed lunches for busy people

The average person eats 230 sandwiches a year. Now, if you buy your sandwich every day that mounts up to the cost of another holiday!

Making your own lunch is not only lighter on the wallet but can make you lighter too. Many shop bought sarnies are high in fat and salt. Let's face it food made in bulk on a converyor belt is never going to taste as good as one made fresh by you. Also shop chains and even sandwich shops aren't always going to use the best ingredients. Most of the time cost is the overriding factor, so battery hen eggs, intensively farmed bacon etc. will no doubt be going into your sandwich.

Take a look here to find some quick, easy sandwich recipe ideas which are specifically designed for people who exercise or lead very busy lives.

If you can't always find the time to make your own, this article also highlights "shop bought champions" from Boots, M&S, Starbuck and Pret.

Don't forget to get up and walk outside for some of your lunch hour. It clears the head, gets the circulation going and will pep you up for the rest of the afternoon.


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