Get Body Smart - discover yourself!

I found this BRILLIANT site which illustrates and explains the anatomy and physiology of the human body - Get Body Smart.

It shows how every bit and part of us affects another part. For instance, did you know that sitting down at a computer for most of the day shortens the hamstrings - which are large muscles running down the back of the upper leg. These muscles attach to the bottom of the pelvis.

So, if you have tight hamstrings, this could pull the lower pelvis out of alignment, which in turn could have an affect on all the other muscles which attach to the pelvis [there are at least 20]. For instance, part of the latissimus dorsi muscle starts at the bottom of the shoulder blade and ends up attaching to the iliac crest -this essentially means having tight hamstrings could affect your shoulders! No muscle works in isolation!

Something that really impressed me about this site is that it shows how each muscle moves a certain part of the body. At massage shcool we learnt terms like adduct, abduct, medial rotation etc. however, being a very visual learner, being able to see this without having to demonstrate it on myself, is really useful.

If you currently have tension in a particular part of your body, why not identify it on Get Body Smart and have a play around. Who knows, next time you get a massage you could say to your therapist "I'd like you to massage my upper trapezius and then my rhomboidus major" - watch the surprise on their face.


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