Shiatsu? It's Just Being Human

Shiatsu? It's Just Being Human
By Clive R Merrick  []

What is shiatsu? Upon hearing the word shiatsu many people ask "what is that?" and there are usually many varied answers. Depending on whom you ask and what school or style of bodywork they trained at you will usually be given some story about a Japanese master or told about points from acupuncture, finger pressure or a load of Chinese medicine stuff.

Shiatsu:When we take this back to its primal origins essentially it is all about touch. From the moment that the single cell divides the growing human body is shaped by the pressures imposed upon it. The pressure from the amniotic fluid and from the movement of the mother's body denotes whether the cells develop into muscle, bone ligament or tendon.

In its most basic and primal form Shiatsu is all about applying careful and considered pressure to the body with a great deal of focus on intention. When the pressure is careful and considered this bypasses the para-sympathetic nervous system, which controls the fight flight mechanism and pain responses of the body. Instead of retreating away from the touch the body responds and accepts the touch, allowing it to move deeper and deeper into the body. By bypassing the parasympathetic nervous system, we are able to gain access to the ortho-sympathetic nervous system which controls the unconscious functions of the body such as our breathing pattern, our organ rhythm and function, peristalsis within the digestive tract and to some degree our heartbeat.

Shiatsu: This considered pressure mimics the early developmental pressure which takes the body into a deeply receptive state and allows restrictions within the subconscious function to be released. This helps to change breeding patterns and organ functional rhythm releasing trapped debris in toxins within the body resulting in improved health and well-being.

There are often deep rooted, postural and behaviour patterns associated with these unconscious functions and when there is change at this unconscious level there is often a dramatic change in our lifestyle and behaviour. Many people in modern society have lost this simple connection with their body often taking drugs that block pain or never stopping to really notice that they have a body and to really connect with it. Re- connection can sometimes be as simple as paying attention to our breathing, it is very hard to consciously breathe and perform a thought process at the same time.
It is our need for loving and caring touch and the stimulation, support and growth that, this brings that make us uniquely human. Shiatsu is the ability to touch deeply into this unconscious level to encourage and stimulate change and growth from within.

The Japanese character for Shiatsu is also used for human being and shows one person leaning on another or one supporting another, depending on your perspective at that time. After all are we not here to love and support those around us? What could possibly make us more human than that?
Clive Merrick is a Bodywork practitioner and Shiatsu Shin Tai Teacher specialising in structural correction. These articles are written to help and encourage those wishing to learn more about massage and bodywork techniques.

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