Breathe Into Your Massage

To truly get the most out of a massage, it can take a bit of focus and mindfulness on the part of the client. Some people find it difficult to relax and let go and feel compelled to fill the silence of a massage with chatter. Obviously, some communication is welcome but constant chatter during a massage can actually work against the relaxation process.

In our busy world, with constant noise and stimulation it can be very relaxing to just enjoy the silence, breathe and connect with your body.

Next time you have a massage consider the following:

* As you settle onto the table, even before your therapist enters the room, feel the weight of your body on the table. Allow yourself to be supported by the table and begin to notice your breath.

* Feel your breath moving of its own accord. Where is it most noticeable? Where could it express more? Invite your breath to move into the spaces that feel less full (without effort ... just invite).

* When your therapist starts working, notice the pressure and rhythm. While maintaining a comfortable rhythm in your own breathing, notice when she lets up on her pressure and breathe in. When she applies pressure, breathe out.

* If your practitioner comes to a tender area, pay special attention to your breath. Work with the tenderness on the exhale, imagining that you're breathing out the pain.

* As your therapist works on different areas, imagine your breath moving there to meet her. Send your breath wherever she is working. Let her work on the outside, you work on the inside.

* Notice the changes as the massage progresses. Notice your thought patterns. Notice your comfort level. Notice your stress (and how it melts) as you send breath to the various areas of your body.

* When your session is complete and you sit up, notice how your breath feels. What do you notice about your body, the room, the light?

Click HERE to find out more about how breathe can transform your massage experience.


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