Oscar bound celebs get massage

This article appeared in Google News last week. We can't all go to the Oscars but getting pampered at home is well within everyone's reach.

"A Los-Angeles area massage network that specializes in massage for celebrities will be kept busy in the Oscar Gift Suite prior to this year's Academy Awards.

“People think the Academy Awards are all glitz and glamour, but the preparations for the event can also be nerve-racking for the celebrities,” said Evan Aaronson, president of Go Massage, in a press release. “That’s why soothing those cramped muscles with a nice massage is a perfect way to melt the stress away.”

The gift suite will be held for Oscar nominees and presenters Feb. 22-23. Each celebrity will receive a free massage from Go Massage, as well as a one-hour massage delivered to their home.

“Go Massage is meant for people on the go, and that’s a perfect fit for the entertainment industry," Aaronson said. "They simply call us up, and we can get them an appointment at their home, office, hotel or local spa in as little as two hours.”

Aaronson used to be a Hollywood writer and director. The "insane" hours he was working left him exhausted, and he found himself getting regular massages to cope with the pressure. The therapy worked so well that he launched Go Massage in 2004".


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