benefits of massage therapy for cancer patients
The benefits of massage therapy for cancer patients are numerous. Cancer and massage may not seem like a good fit at first glance. Cancer patients suffer even though many are medicated. However, studies performed by the National Cancer Institute determined around half of all cancer centers use oncology massage as an alternative way to treat their patients.
Research has shown that one of the cancer massage benefits is how massaging someone cancer helps relieve the symptoms. Chemotherapy, radiation and infusions often cause adverse side effects. Massaging someone cancer is instrumental for the patient's well being..
A cancer massage therapist is a licensed therapist in his or her state of residence. This trained professional uses a variety of massage therapy cancer treatments such as Swedish massage, trigger point therapy and neuromuscular techniques. A cancer spa hires only Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork therapists. An oncology massage therapist can also hold a Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage license..
In a study of 1,290 patients at the Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center, 50% of their symptoms were reduced by Swedish massage, foot massage and light touch. Swedish massage and light touch massage were the favorite mechanisms for reducing symptoms and pain..
There are many long-term health benefits for massaging someone cancer. Massage therapy for cancer patients results in pain relief which often can be immediate. However, there are other benefits such as decreased stress and anxiety, fatigue, and depression. Most patients respond well to an oncology massage. Care must be taken with certain patients, though. Skin cancer massage would include not touching the afflicted area. Some patients cannot tolerate joint massage. Tumors should not be massaged, either. Lung cancer massage could be beneficial if trigger point therapy is used..
Some thought should be given to the types of massage oils and lotions used as some patients may have have an allergic reaction. If a patient is undergoing radiation therapy, their skin may be extra sensitive to touch and cannot be rubbed or massaged. In these cases, other areas of the body can be massaged as part of the bodywork treatment..
Overall, the benefits outweigh any complications when massage therapy is used on cancer patients. A patient's peace of mind and good feelings should be at the forefront of any cancer treatment. Massage performed by a licensed therapist can aid in the recovery of or enhance the well-being for a person with cancer.
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