What is Thai Massage in Massage Therapy?

What is Thai Massage in Massage Therapy?
By Micaela Romualdez  [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Micaela_Romualdez]

In the holistic community, the term Thai massage is referenced by many names. Some of those names include Ancient Thai massage and Yoga massage. In Thailand, Thai massage is referred to as Nuad Phaen Boran.

The focus of this kind of massage therapy is to align the misaligned energies of the body. Contrary to European style massage therapy, this massage stresses circulation and pressure points thus enhancing internal health as well as muscular flexibility. The main difference between Thai and Western massage is that Thai massage involves peripheral stimulation; i.e. it acts as an external source of stimulation to create specific internal effects inside the body.

In a traditional Thai massage, the massage therapist will make use of their hands, elbows, knees, and feet to apply different pressures to the energy lines, also known as sen, along the body. These energy lines are considered the keys to a happy and healthy lifestyle. If an energy line becomes occluded, or blocked, the client can suffer a range of sicknesses that include chronic pain, disease, and potentially death.

In this kind of Thai massage, there are about 72,000 energy lines inside the human body. However, there are ten (10) that take priority over the rest. Perfect harmony and health within the body can only be achieved by the freedom of energy that flows through all the energy lines.

This ancient Thai massage therapy is practiced on a firm mat on the floor in place of a massage table. The massage therapist will only use her body weight to apply various pressures to the energy lines. In this particular kind of Thai massage, the client normally remains clothed with the exception of their feet.

The pressure applied in this Thai massage varies with each massage therapist. Compared to the pressure used in Western massages, Thai massage may be harder on people than what they are accustomed to. This foreign massage can be too strenuous on the client. The last thing a client would want to do is tense up in order to guard himself against the pressure of the therapist's strokes. This can damage the client's muscles and cause unnecessary strain. For this Thai massage to be effective, the client must fully relax and let the therapist freely manipulate the client's extremities to promote blood and lymph flow and promote the removal of blocked energy lines.

Micaela Romualdez is a freelance article writer for Chiro1Express, a Dallas mobile chiropractic clinic. She enjoys writing on topics such as [http://www.chiro1express.com/Help.htm]chiropractic, rolfing, [http://www.chiro1express.com/Help.htm]massage therapy benefits, homeopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, nutrition, and other types of alternative health care.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?What-is-Thai-Massage-in-Massage-Therapy?&id=1466393] What is Thai Massage in Massage Therapy?


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