Neck Pain Not Just Physiological

I noted an interesting article on Healthypages this week. Many of us already have experience and personal proof that the mind and the body are closely connected. However, the Western Medical community don't give credence to anecdotal evidence. They work on the principle that unless something can be proven with tests and data it doesn't count. So it's interesting that:

"Doctors from Germany have concluded that neck pain is not just the result of physical factors. The doctors are citing psychological reasons for neck pain as well. High up on their list for reasons are anxiety and depression.

Lead researcher, Dr. Martin Scherer from the University of Gottingen said "For successful long-term results, it is essential to consider psychosocial factors and to include them into therapeutic strategies........ "

Click here to read the full article.

This may sound like stating the obvious to those of us who can see a correlation between body and mind. However, many people are of the opinion that enough sessions of a hands-on therapy such as massage, osteopathy etc will cure the problem. In fact, this is only half the picture.

The additional therapeutic strategies which spring to my mind might include lifestyle changes, counselling, relaxation techniques and meditation.


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