How Fit Do You Think You Are?

These days it's not enough just to be able to run for the bus without getting out of breathe. True fitness means having endurance, flexibility and strength.  For example,  even if you can run a marathon, can you do a set of push ups, can you touch your toes? If not, then esentially you're only partially fit. 

This can be depressing and can make the fitness mountain seem just too hard and too high to climb. However, the benefits of overall fitness are fantastic. Imagine if the wheels of your car worked but your shock absorbers were shot.  It wouldn't be a comfy ride.  Cultivating overall fitness needn't be intimidating.  In fact, if you vary your regime it makes exercising more interesting and keeps you motivated.  Three activities a week such as running, weights and yoga will cover all bases and keep you looking and feeling fabulous.

Whether you work out regularly or are a stranger to exercise, it's good to know what your general fitness level is and identify the areas that need attention.

Start with these simple tests brought to you by The Guardian online.


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