Aqua Aerobics anyone?

Are you one of those people who think that an aqua aerobics class is the domain of the "bus pass" brigade.

Think again! It's one of the most challenging workouts around. I know - I've done a fair number in my time.

Aqua aerobics is great for:

Toning muscle
Increasing the heart rate
Burning fat
Improving balance, posture and co-ordination

To find out more read this article from The Guardian

After a class you get out the pool with that lovely warm, wobbly feeling in your muscles - which means you've really worked!

Most leisure centres offer classes.

Curious about sports massage?

Ever wondered how sports massage differs from other massage styles?

Take a look at the Sports Injury Clinic.

Have a niggle or tight muscle somewhere? There you can click on that area on a diagram of the human body and be taken to a list of potential causes. Then you can click on Sports Massage and you can see what techniques a sports massage therapist might use.

Sports massage isn't just for professional athletes or people who are super-fit. Anyone who likes firmer, deeper pressure will love sports massage.

World Peace?

If half the world were giving a massage and the other half receiving one ... we would have peace on earth.

What massage therapists wish they could say to you

I found this short article in Bodysense Mag and it made me smile - so true!

Try to remember the floaty feeling you get on
the massage table so you can incorporate it
into your life. Do that and you’re making the
most of your massage experience. Remember
that massage is about taking good care of
yourself—and we all deserve that.

Every week a woman gets on my table and gives
the same unneeded apology. “I’m sorry! I didn’t
have time to shave my legs!” Don’t worry. “None
of the guys shaved their legs for me this week,
either!” is my usual reply. We don’t care that you
didn’t have time to shave your legs. We’re grateful
you’ve made it to your appointment and that
you love massage. Please relax and don’t be self-
conscious. No problem! I mean it.

Finally, the key to receiving your best massage
session is to communicate with your therapist.
Just like Goldilocks, only you can know for sure
if the pressure is too much, too little, or just
right. Good communication between therapist
and client allows you both to work together to
find what works best for you. Remember the
Platinum Rule of Massage: communication helps
your therapist help you.