You know you're geting old when . . . .

Last week I thought I'd take my own advice and go for a run on a treadmill. The temperature outside was literally sub-zero and I'm not a masochist. Off I went to my local leisure centre. I said " I'd like a session on the treadmill please". The young man behind the desk said "have you had an induction". To which I replied that I hadn't, as I was a pay as you go member and I'd been a member of many gyms over the years.

This didn't cut the mustard and he went on to explain that I had to have an employee show me how to use the treadmill before I'd be permitted past the turnstile. Off the obliging young man went to find someone who could quickly show me how to use said treadmill. Unfortunately, the only person available was in the middle of a personal training session and therefore couldn't induct me. Grrrrr! I knew I was hitting my head against a brick wall. There was no sweet talking my way in. Thanks to "health and safety" I had to turn on my heel and graciously depart.

This is the first time ever I've wanted to say the words that follow in capital letters, ie. "I've been using treadmills since BEFORE YOU WERE BORN!". Mmmmmmm how funny is that...... there's a first time for everything.

So, I went home, had a glass of wine and watched "How To Look Good Naked" instead.


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