What is Geriatric Massage Suitable for the Elderly?

A geriatric massage or also known as elderly massage is the type of massage therapy suitable for the elders. This type of massage therapy is specially designed and developed for treating problems that are common on the elderly people. Adding this therapeutic massage on the regular medical care of the elderly can improve their health, boost their immune system, and relieve stress and fatigue.

A geriatric massage is designed not only for unhealthy seniors but for all individuals in that age group. As we age, many disease symptoms begin to show and take over our health. Many of the elders in our society are suffering from all sorts of diseases, body pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and many other problems both physical and emotional. However, elderly massage can help lessen the effects of these health conditions and improve the overall health of the body and mind. This technique is effective in soothing the body, relieving muscle pain, releasing stress and tension, improving circulation, and many more. Blood pressure is also lowered or stabilized after enjoying this therapeutic massage.
Elderly massage therapy:
This type of massage therapy incorporates some of the basic massage strokes used in Swedish massage into something better for the older individuals. Effleurage, petrissage, and friction are some of the basic forms of massage strokes used during a Swedish massage therapy. All of these massage techniques used by the therapist should be conducted with gentle pressure. Aside from the light strokes used during therapies, the therapist should also always ask the patient regarding how he or she feels during the massage. In case there is discomfort from the patient, the massage therapy should be discontinued.

Elderly massage therapy:
While sleep is very important, old people tend to have difficulties in getting quality sleep. A geriatric massage does a great job in improving the sleep quality and creates a better sleeping pattern. Sleep recharges the body and gives it its required energy to properly go on with their lifestyle. In case sleep is withheld or lack of sleep occurs, anxiety and depression among the elderly population settles in. This emotional problem in the long run will result to medical conditions after medical conditions if not treated during its early signs and symptoms.

Conditions such as bruising, broken bones, fragile bones, open bed sores, varicose veins, certain types of cancers, and some other conditions should be informed to the therapist prior to the massage therapy as individuals with these problems should never get this massage. The doctor's recommendation, advice, or opinions should be followed by the seniors to avoid running into problems especially in their age where recovery is quite hard to achieve.

Elderly massage therapy:
The duration of this massage therapy should not exceed 30 minutes as the body of the elderly can't take too much activity. Regular sessions of this natural treatment can help the seniors to treat and reduce the risks of getting Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, arthritis, problems related to sleep, headaches, and many more. The elderly people can benefit from this wonderful therapy as it does not require them to use drugs, needles, or surgeries to treat such problems.

How Massage Therapy Helps to Relieve Stress

If you’re juggling a hectic schedule and finding it difficult to get a good night’s rest, it may be time for a massage at the day spa. Massage therapy helps to induce a state of deep relaxation naturally by pinpointing tight areas of the body and releasing tension. Different types of massage therapy can help to improve your overall health and well-being, relieve pain and even promote more restful sleep.

Some people count on massage therapy for healing while others get regular massages to relax and just feel better about themselves. There are countless benefits of getting a massage on a regular basis, and you will notice a difference after just a single session!

Hot stone massage in the day spa

Types of Massage for Stress Reduction

If your goal is to reduce stress and lower anxiety, there are certain massage services that can help you feel better within a few hours. Some of the best types of massage for stress reduction are:

Aromatherapy massage, Deep tissue massage, Hot stone massage, Craniosacral therapy, Swedish massage

Aromatherapy massage is especially effective for reducing stress because it involves using essential oils that have natural healing and stress-relieving capabilities. These oils are mixed into a carrier oil before being applied to the skin, and the scent alone can help you feel better.

Essential oils that are known to reduce stress include: Lavender, Chamomile, Geranium, Rosemary, Sandalwood and Juniper Berry. If you are experiencing high levels of anxiety or are feeling depressed, you might benefit from a massage service that uses Basil, Cypress, Ylang-Ylang, Grapefruit, Jasmine or Neroli essential oils.

Hot stone massage is another great service for relieving stress. Hot stone massage uses heated volcanic rocks such as basalt stones to heat up various parts of the body rapidly. The heated stones are placed strategically on the body to target inflamed, swollen or tense areas of tissue. The heat from the stones helps to increase circulation and can also relieve stress. Many people get hot stone massage  services regularly to promote deep relaxation and self-healing.

Top Benefits of Regular Massage Services

In addition to relieving stress, regular massage can help to relieve pain and help improve the symptoms of many health problems. Different types of massage services address specific parts of the body, but you’ll also experience an overall benefit with a noticeable improvement in your mood and a better night’s sleep.

Some of the top benefits of regular massage include:

Reduces muscle achesRelieves tension in the bodyReduces the symptoms of insomniaImproves symptoms of arthritisCan reduce depression or feelings of sadnessEliminates or reduces anxietyReduces the occurrence of migraines and headaches

If you are experiencing very high stress levels and are having difficulty sleeping, get a professional massage at the day spa to relieve tension and promote deep relaxation. Getting a massage at least once per week can help to reduce stress and prevent stress from getting out of control. You’ll feel better and sleep better, and will notice the positive effects after just a single session.

Deep Massage Therapy for Improving Athletic Performance

Over the past ten years it has become more common to find massage therapists treating athletes using massage therapy. The therapeutic advantage of massage not only eases the pain in sore muscles, but actually strengthens an athlete prior to a game or event. It is not uncommon for professional athletes to have their own personal massage therapist.


There are many different massage therapy techniques used to treat athletes. Many therapists use deep tissue massage to treat athletes who are injured. Deep tissue massage is often used as relief for injured muscles. In order to perform a deep tissue massage a therapist must use either the fingers, thumbs or even the elbows to get into the grain of the muscles. In order to practice a deep tissue massage, a therapist must be thoroughly trained as if not done properly; it can cause additional pain or injury. This type of massage is very effective as it works beneath the surface muscles and is a popular method for relieving not only injuries, but also chronic pain and even inflammation.

Deep Massage Therapy for Improving Athletic Performance

Implementing various different sports massage techniques and stretches to your program will greatly enhance your ability to work with athletes. Deep tissue massage is just one, some of my favorites are trigger point therapy cross fiber friction, muscle stripping techniques, active release techniques and PNF stretches. Learn these massage technques and watch your business grow.


To prepare an athlete, a massage therapist will concentrate on the muscles most often used. By using various sports massage therapy techniques, the muscles are relaxed. Being tense will make an injury worse. It is the reason why so many drunk drivers walk away from car accidents while those they hit die. It is because the driver was completely relaxed. The muscles were relaxed. It works the same way with an athlete. 


An athlete who goes into a game with muscles that are relaxed and toned is in much better condition to avoid greater injury to those muscles if they are tense. This is why so many athletes use the benefits of massage treatments, such as relaxing spa treatments, prior to sporting events. 


A good massage therapist can have a thriving practice in the field of sports medicine if he or she is well versed in treating athletes. They must have complete knowledge of the anatomical structure of the human body and need to know which muscles are most prone to strain and injury. They not only need to know how to relieve the pain from injury, but also to prepare an athlete so that he or she does not get a greater injury. Sports massage techniques include both deep tissue massage and a variety of relaxing massages and stretching techniques. While a physical trainer works with an athlete to improve his or her skills on the field, the therapist works with the body of the athlete to prepare the body for the exertion it will soon endure.


Treating athletes using massage therapy is very common and has been practiced for years. Without the massage techniques performed prior to the game, the athlete may not be able to sustain the beatings that some of their bodies take during a sports competition such as football. This is a growing field and very prosperous for a person who is willing to learn the proper techniques.

Pregnancy Massage Therapy For Pain Relief During Pregnancy

While pregnant you'll suffer many different types of discomfort since the infant will grow. I am not aiming to discourage anyone this is the fact. As the body alters plus your baby grows as well as stretches one's body you will experience some pain. It will be possible you will definitely get cramps, head aches, nausea or vomiting, swelling, round ligament pain and lower lumbar pain.
Prenatal Massage  or Pregnancy massage therapy

There are several varieties of pain alleviation readily available which includes medications, acupuncture and meditating, however i need to share with you prenatal massages as well as the benefits they have got above the other forms.

1. Prenatal Massages are usually pricey in the event that every time you would like one you must book a scheduled visit, however are quite simple to learn at home and you don't need professional tools to carry it out. Make sure you discover the appropriate techniques though as there are particular areas on a woman's body that should not have force applied to while pregnant.

2. Your spouse is capable of doing the actual pregnancy massage techniques for you; it will also give them a chance to feel included in the pregnancy. It is additionally an excellent way for the father to bond with the unborn baby, in addition to allow them to go through the full carrying a child experience with you.

3. Prenatal Massages have already been recognized to ease back pain something you will most certainly experience. A great soothing pregnancy massage will also allow you to chill out following a stressful day. A massage therapy along with a warm bath has an even greater effect on you.

4. Headaches and nausea or vomiting are something else that a gentle therapeutic massage can help you with. If you are going to try a head massage you may use a few fragrant herbal oils but make sure that they are harmless for expectant women first. If uncertain merely ask a sales person from the shop or examine the content label diligently.

5. Remember if you are intending to try home pregnancy massages you must do some research and learn the correct pregnancy massage techniques. You have got to realize which posture you should be laying in to as you will not be able to lay on the tummy just like you would in a typical massage.

As we discussed there are plenty of advantages of massage while pregnant and it can certainly be a advantageous exercise. It is shrewd though that before commencing any kind of pain alleviation even pregnancy massage just speak with your doctor to ensure that it's safe to do with your specific circumstance. And if you do experience anything wrong while conducting a massage you ought to stop instantly as well as seek help from a doctor

If you would like more information on how Prenatal Massages can give you pain relief and to discover how you can have a pregnancy massage in your own home check out my website prenatalmassages.org

Guide to Hot Stone Massages at the Day Spa

The hot stone massage is among the top specialty massage treatments at the day spa. This type of massage will help you relax, de-stress and can also loosen up tense muscles. Stones used in this massage service are heated up to a certain temperature so that they can deliver heat deep into your muscle tissues.

Guide to Hot Stone Massages at the Day Spa

The heat and weight of the stones helps to release stored up energy and can lull you into a state of deep relaxation. If you’ve had a stressful week at work, need to rebalance your energy level, or are just feeling more tired than usual, head to a day spa for a soothing hot stone massage treatment!

How the Hot Stone Massage is Performed Each spa uses various sizes and shapes of hot stones to perform this massage service. The stones are usually heated up in a crock pot-style vessel for several minutes before your treatment, and are dried thoroughly before being placed on the massage bed or on your skin. The massage therapist may use various Swedish and deep tissue massage techniques to induce relaxation, and then cup the stones in their hands to work on various parts of your body.

Every massage therapist and spa uses a different protocol and technique to perform the hot stone massage, but most will place the stones strategically on your spine and abdomen at some point during the service. This helps to balance your energy and can be a part of a complete acupressure treatment that releases pain and knots in major muscle groups.

Most massage therapists use basalt stones for this service, because these stones heat up easily and rest flat on different parts of the body. The service may include a combination of hot and cold stones to speed up or slow down blood circulation in different areas, and to help manipulate the skin tissues.

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage Unlike traditional massage services that only involve the application of hot oils, soothing massage lotion and manual manipulation of the skin tissues, hot stone massages go one step deeper into the skin tissue and can help to release knots and tension in different muscle groups. If you are recovering from an injury, have accumulated a lot of stress in your back and neck area, or haven’t had a massage for some time, you could be a good candidate for a hot stone massage.

Some of the key benefits of a hot stone massage, include:

Induces deep muscle relaxationGreat stress relieverReduces and relieves pain, especially in the back and neck areasCan improve some health conditionsHelps release toxins from the bodyCan help you sleep betterHelps to give you an emotional boostReleases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which helps you feel better and happierSupports the body’s natural recovery and rehabilitation processes

A hot stone massage could be just what you need to feel better about yourself, eliminate fatigue from your daily life, and improve your health and well-being. Head to a day spa in your area to enjoy the benefits of this deeply relaxing and soothing treatment.

How to Massage for a great deep tissue massage

How to massage when a person wants a deep tissue massage

1. Don't kill them: One of the most common mistakes i see from massage therapists when they are asked to give a deep tissue massage is that they think they have to go as hard as they can for the person and lietrally crush them. They tend to think that if the person is tensing up under their pressure and whincing in pain then they are doing a good job. The thing is, 99% percent of people who want a deep tissue massage are only asking this because they don't want a pathetic 'skin polish' light massage which is so commonly given at spas and beauty centers. The person doesnt want to be killed and feel like they have been beaten from head to toe, they just want to feel that they have had a massage that has got into the areas of tension and relased those areas. Therefore, use your forearms and elbows to work the areas but to the level which the person feels that 'happy pain' but no more.

How to Massage for a great deep tissue massage

2. Don't Kill Yourself: This is another very common mistake by massage therapists which can leave a therapist injured. Only put as much pressure as you can and no more. If your client is asking for more pressure but you physically cant do it then say sorry but that is as hard as you can do. Do not kill yourself by trying to please your client as put more pressure than you are capable of, you will only get hurt.

3.Lower the Table: If your table is too high it will make it very difficult to put pressure into your massage. Adjust your table lower and that way you will be able to exert more pressure without straining yourself. This does not only refer to deep tissue massages but all of your massages. If your table is too high(which again is a common mistake made by many therapists) it will be difficult on your shoulders and lead to injuries very quickly. Lower your table and use good posture by bending at the hips not rounding your lower back (which leads to you having lower back problems very quickly), and use your body weight to aplly the pressure not muscular effort(as i have mentioned many times before).

Don't use too much oil/cream: If you use too much oil or cream it will make the person too slippery and this will make it more difficult to apply good controlled pressure . Use less oil or cream and you will be able to apply more pressure safely and controlled.

Use your big parts of your body not the small ones: Here is another very common mistake by massage therapists when doing not only deep tissue massages but also relaxation massages. When i am doing massages, whether its a deep tissue, sports or relaxation massage i use my thumbs very little. The thumbs do not have the strength to do a lot of massage for hours without suffering and getting strained and/or inflamed. You probably already know of massage therapists who have problems with their thumbs hurting. Dont rely on your thumbs to do a lot of pressure work for you or you will find that you too will have problems once you start doing lots of massages. You need to start using your forearms, elbows and perhaps even soft fists to give a person a great massage. This is not only better for you but feels a hundred times better for your clients. This is another very common mistake by massage therapists which can leave a therapist injured. Only put as much pressure as you can and no more. If your client is asking for more pressure but you physically cant do it then say sorry but that is as hard as you can do. Do not kill yourself by trying to please your client as put more pressure than you are capable of, you will only get hurt.

Benefits of A Deep Tissue Message

A good and effective deep tissue massage involves the use of firm pressure and slower strokes on the contracted area of the body; this can be accomplished by the use of your hands, fingers, knuckles, elbows, and forearm, in order to stimulate the muscles and body tissues below the surface level.

Benefits of A Deep Tissue Message

An experience massage therapist will focus on certain areas of the body; those areas are referred to as trigger points in your body. These trigger points are known to hold the most stress, and by working these trigger points your body can begin to relax much more easily. During the message there will be some discomfort and pain due to the tightness of the muscle therefore pain will be felt, deep breaths can help control the pain, it is important that you inform the therapist if the pain is unbearable. At the end of the session ice can be applied to the area to help reduce the stiffness and sooth the body. You will more than likely to be a bit sore which is to be expected, but it will subside usually within a day.

If your life is fast paced and stressful I would recommend that you treat yourself to a deep tissue massage at least once a month, and more often if you need it or you see fit.



·     Do not eat a heavy meal before having a message.

·     Arrive a few minutes earlier in order for you to wind down and relax so you can benefit more from the message.

·     If pregnant check with your doctor before having a deep tissue message